Pastor Chuzzy of Glory House World Church

Archive for the month “December, 2012”

How To Really Lead

This teaching on leadership is one of many from the School of Leadership taught by Pastor Chuzzy Udenwa at the Glory House World Church Atlanta Campus

7 Keys to Success in 2013


Why We Don’t Receive

Have you ever wondered why you don’t receive? In this teaching Pastor Chuzzy  gives us an insight as to why we don’t receive.  He links it to unbelief, fear, lack of understanding, not positioning ourselves,  not sowing  seeds, discouragement, not expecting, etc.

Marital Turnaround Part 2

Marital Turnaround Part 2

This is a message from Pastor Chuzzy’s teaching series on Marital Bliss. It is an insightful message that teaches how to experience a positive turnaround in your marriage relationships.

Understanding Dreams & Visions

Understanding Dreams & Visions

This is a teaching on understanding the mysteries of dreams, dreaming and visions. A teaching from the many dream interpretation workshops taught by Pastor Chuzzy Udenwa. In this short message you will learn about the importance of your dreams, and how to understand and interpret dreams .

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